Saturday, May 16, 2015

Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan is an extremely cheesy, melodramatic, and overhyped Japanese show, in which nearly everything dies before the viewer can figure out what is going on. The plot mainly revolves around people frantically crying literally non-stop. The tear to frame ratio is a million to half a frame.
The story begins when, out of the blue, God decided to send Titans to destroy the human race. Humanity was nearly wiped out, but the surviving people somehow built a massive wall to keep the Titans away from them. How this was accomplished was never explained, and so far, sounds completely insane. Titans invade the city of Shiganshina, which gets completely destroyed and everyone dies... again. The main character Eren Jäger sees his mother get eaten by a titan, and then vows to kill every single one of them, while crying his tear ducts off. After 5 years of hard work and crying, Eren, and his adopted sister Mikasa complete their military training and join the Recon Corps (the guys who failed to protect Shiganshina).

What Every Episode Looks Like
Attack on Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin if you're a weeaboo) is extremely good at connecting with its intended audience, the majority of them being girls. The attraction of these fans proves the anime to be effective at gathering and maintaining it's audience. The series has spawned countless fanfictions, mostly involving the male characters from the series interacting with each other. Attack on Titan also managed to infect YouTube with its cheesy content. Searching Attack on Titan will bring up tons of results mostly involving mash-ups and parodies of moments from the anime series.

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